My Approach

Carole smiles slightly at the camera. She has short, light brown hair and is wearing a white tee-shirt and a bold necklace with light blue gemstones.

Be a lamp or a lifeboat or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal.
— Rumi

My approach to integrative navigation and spiritual companioning  is from the perspective of a gardener:  doing my best to work with the gifts I have acquired and what the universe bestows to create an environment where each person thrives.  “Cultivation” means to protect and encourage growth.  And that is my intention with everyone I work with. I strive to offer refuge and foster healing in whatever way is meaningful to that individual. 

Integrative navigation and spiritual companioning services are not commonly known, and can often appear nebulous. This work attracts what I like to call “seekers”:  people often come to me not exactly sure what they are looking for or familiar with the services I provide.  But they all share a yearning, a desire to connect more deeply with themselves, with life.  They long to reach a place of wholeness, which is what healing is all about. 

Whether facing the unique challenge of serious illness, the shared experience of aging, or just living life in the time and place where we are, healing is always possible. But healing always happens from the inside out: the path to healing is deeply personal for each individual and rarely straightforward. Whether you choose integrative navigation, spiritual companioning or both, I meet you where you are, honoring and encouraging your innate inner wisdom to come forward so you live your life in a way more meaningful to you. 

Author and poet Vironika Tugaleva says: ”Our inner wisdom is persistent, but quiet. It will always whisper, but it will never stop knocking at your door.”

 Together, we listen for that whisper and see where it takes us.